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Does stress have to equal added pounds? NO! Dr. Erika Schwartz provides useful ideas to stay fit in times of stress!

Smarty Pants Mama: Does stress have to equal added pounds? NO! Dr. Erika Schwartz provides useful ideas to stay fit in times of stress!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Does stress have to equal added pounds? NO! Dr. Erika Schwartz provides useful ideas to stay fit in times of stress!

Have you noticed that in times of stress (current state of the economy, days of exams, before a big surgery, or illness in the family) food is so easily our comfort? Recently a story ran in USA Today that wasn't necessarily surprising but an important reminder of how vulnerable overweight people are in times of stress to pack on additional pounds.
Full USA Today Story:

With this story at the front of my mind, I asked a leading expert in the field of health, Dr. Erika Schwartz, Medical Director of Cinergy Health,, a few questions on behalf of our Smart Mama Community.

Question 1
With many readers constantly on the go, rarely finding time to sit relax and eat a healthy lunch, how do you prepare for the unexpected day as a "soccer mom?"
Dr. Erika Schwartz: Make your own trail mix and carry a zip lock sandwich baggie in your bag. Mix roasted not salted almonds with dry blueberries, sour cherries and a few hazelnuts. Also, make sure you carry a bottle of water or make your own iced green tea.
Question 2
An afternoon run to de-stress doesn't always fit into a mom’s day. What other ways can a mom de-stress that doesn't involve a babysitter or a pint of ice cream?
Dr. Erika Schwartz: 5 pound dumbbells in your home. Pick them up every few hours and pump them up and down from the elbow, back and forth, above your head and behind your back ten times each. Breathe while you are doing this exercise. Watch your arms turn into buff, beautiful arms and feel like a million bucks without going to the gym.
Question 3
What family friendly de-stressing activities do you recommend?
Dr. Erika Schwartz: Take an hour and read. Create a family book club. Share the books regardless of age.

Thank you so much to Dr. Schwartz for these fantastic ideas!



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