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I'm Back!!!!!

Smarty Pants Mama: I'm Back!!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm Back!!!!!

I'm back................!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, things have been cRaZy! My unplanned absence from Smarty Pants over the last 2 weeks is due to a calamity of reasons....from my knee being a pain and in pain, to an impromptu role as a summer camp counselor!

Well, I'm back and have tons to catch up on!!! Over this week I will post:
  1. The winner of the last Smarty Pants Product of the Week Giveaway for the Rock N Learn CD.
  2. The next Smarty Pants Product of the Week!
  3. Over a dozen CPSC product recalls!
  4. A FABULOUS summer recipe!
  5. A GREAT website to use with your munchkin(s)!
  6. and more!!!!!!!

Looking forward to spending the summer with you, my super fantastic Smarty Pants Mama readers!



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